Year 2000 AD. I was in a mad dash of applying to a new school, You see our school (Cainta Catholic) is offering college courses but none of those interests me, you see I'm into the arts and the courses offered there is for teachers, another thing is that I already abhor being there being in the school since Kinder it made me too familiar to be happy... I need to be in a new environment.
The first university I tried out was none other than UP. Here's the story: UPCAT was held every August if I'm not mistaken. The school made it very easy for us since they volunteered to do the test enrollment for us, we just added a few peso on their account for them to do so (it's better and it's hassle free).
After we got the schedule for our test me and a friend of mine whom we fondly call "monyo" (that's demon in a different lingo)went to the UP wars. Unfortunately for us we got separated with our classrooms where we would take the test, so I took with me my mom and my little sis (I hardly know the UP compound which has the biggest cusp of land if I ever saw one) to accompany me to the battle field. My loving mother, concerned as she was as always gave me a hamburger meal as "baon". So on to the testing area I went. Before starting the exam the proctor asked us to surrender all our means of communications as to defeat any temptations of fraud during the exam. To my surprise everybody got up (except me) and surrendered their cellphone right in front of the white board area. I felt a little slighted by this gesture which kinda hurt my pride.
On to the test, due to the earlier incident I was hardly able to focus and would entirely cram every time an exam is about to finish (subjects for the exam include general science, math, english, history and social sciences and current events), on that tense moment I remembered my "baon" so I slipped my hands to the side of my bag's pocket and began to unwrap the burger goody (it was allowed to eat inside since the tests began at exactly 12 nn up to 3 pm), it was then that I realized that the aroma of the burger was already traveling fast inside the air conditioned room and my test mates where already eying my booty, I then concluded that they forgot to take food with them during the duration of then exam... Ay! Caramba! Sweet Revenge harhar!
I also tried out other colleges such as: PUP, FEU and TUP.
The most challenging for me was PUP, we excused ourselves for our classes for 4 days just to secure a slot for it's entrance exam... Why? The process includes falling in line behind a kilometer long barrage of students, all those student form different schools and different provinces trying to cram their way into what remains to be one of the most cheapest and notable state colleges in the country.
Next stop for me was FEU... FEU is a one day stop and process is amazingly fluid. Maybe because it was a private college. TUP was the last stop, my mom forced me into it although it was not very preferential for me (I get up late and the school is in Taft I don't know what time I had to get myself up just so I can make it in time during classes).
Courses I penned for the entrance exams at the schools aforementioned:
UP: Fine Arts
PUP: Architecture (Fine Arts was my supposed to be course but it was to be offered the next year prior to my enrollment)
FEU: Fine Arts
TUP: Fine Arts
UP: Flunked but had a score of 2.50, I think their passing rate was 2.25.
PUP: Got 99% in history. Average of 88% for the test. Lowest was Science at 80%
FEU: Never got the grade but they said I passed. I felt the test was for formality and they were getting me anyway.
TUP: Guess what I finished the whole exam at exactly 45 minutes... With surety in my answers, the proctor was stunned, I said their test was so easy. He got my paper and kinda separated it... I was thinking I got politicized there.
Overall the hike and traffic and the stress got the better of my 10 pounds as I became much lighter when we finished the entire process.
So I got .500 batting mark. College here I come! (I guess you know what college I chose later, if not look at the picture above and get a hint.)
Disclaimer: Picture not mine. Got it from the net. :D
Enjoy the next issues! :D
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