Monday, October 14, 2013

"Gravity" didn't pan out as I wanted it to be

Warning: Some spoilers included.

It is a story of sacrifice.

It is a story of struggling to live.

But Gravity doesn't cut it for me as a movie.

Maybe it because of the pacing? Maybe the lack of other visuals? I don't really know. I must admit though that Sandra Bullock delivered an Oscar worthy performance. Although the chaos from exploding space satellites was spectacular, the drifting bores me.

The movie is a ground breaking of sorts exploring the nothingness of the great void up there, because although we have great movies like the Star Wars and Star Trek none of those 2 explored space like gravity did. The realities and complexities of living in space, the struggles our astronauts (or cosmonauts if you're Russian) had to go through.

I don't really know what's lacking but for me the movie don't give me the adrenaline rush I've experienced watching Star Trek last time out, maybe the lack of people bored me? Maybe the inefficiency of NASA in the movie doomed the story for me? I don't really know. One noticeable CGI scene that I saw was when Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock's character) was trying to yank her way inside the Russian space station. It was just awkward for a real human to do that. Although visually everything is almost what you would see in space, the accuracy is almost stunning.

But what I do recommend though is watch the movie in 3-D or I-Max for that matter to have the full movie experience.

Well that's all for now catch me again next time. Enjoy reading.

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